CATEGORY/ Psychedelics

Brand Development & Strategy
Marketing & Communication Strategy
Website & Digital Engagement

When Tidal Psychedelics first came to us, they were headed into their Series A, but having trouble connecting with investors. The initial ask was a re-structuring of their pitch deck. But ultimately, the need was deeper. Tidal found itself unsure of its own identity, how to tell its story and unaware of the best positioning for success in a new market not yet legalized. Our role was to help this organization become a brand that bridges the gap between humanism and science, and one that communicates both the serious nature of the work and the inspiration for a stronger future.

Tidal’s breakthrough decision to forgo being an investor-focused company and move straight to thinking about the mental health community and what it needs, was foundational. Our work with Tidal expanded into months of market research, resulting in 

Tidal’s core idea:
Undoing global unwellness.

More importantly, ensuring the Tidal brand amplify the history of psychedelics became a moral responsibility. Through the last century, research and access to psychedelics would wax and wane due to the tides of politics. Those before Tidal had to abandon work that was showing results–some choosing to go underground, risking their freedom to continue administering life changing plant medicine. It is here Tidal reaches down to pick up the baton. By focusing on a collective responsibility, Tidal returns psychedelics to the light with a focus on patient, and global, outcome.

Throughout our half year engagement, we developed their architecture and a naming structure, underwent a build of their identity, and finally, a re-development of their visual brand.

The result of our work – was a subsequent re-launch of the Series A with a new pitch deck. The round has raised millions and is predicted to be closed very soon.

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