Photography / Video / Email / SMS / Editorial Calendar / Blog 

Crafting Organic Content to Propel Brand Growth and Community Connection
At a pivotal time in SYC Brewing's expansion, the need for a dedicated content strategist became clear. I was brought on to spearhead their organic content creation, planning, and social media management with the goal of enhancing their brand's digital presence and fostering community engagement. My work with SYC Brewing was centered around developing authentic, organic content that resonated with their audience, driving weekly sales for newly released beers and building a stronger online community.In my remote role, I effectively coordinated content strategies and managed the editorial calendar, ensuring a consistent and engaging brand message. My contributions included high-quality product photography that captured the craftsmanship behind each beer, and strategic planning of community engagement initiatives to boost both digital and physical foot traffic.
A key achievement was the management of weekly sales emails, which played a crucial role in achieving the highest holiday sales in the brand's history.
While my work was predominantly remote, I made strategic decisions to attend and document on-site events when it added significant value. This selective approach included capturing SYC Brewing's largest annual celebration, creating on-site content that highlighted the vibrant community spirit and the brand's commitment to exceptional beer experiences.
Through a focus on organic content and strategic remote collaboration, my tenure with SYC Brewing contributed to their continued growth and success, reinforcing the importance of authentic brand storytelling and community engagement in today's digital landscape.
Holiday Campaign 
A standout project during my tenure was the conceptualization and execution of SYC Brewing's yearly holiday campaign, an innovative advent calendar of beer. This campaign required meticulous pre-sale efforts, followed by a month-long engagement strategy on social media featuring interactive games and community-building activities. I spearheaded the campaign idea and took charge of the entire content execution. This strategic involvement allowed the brewery team to dedicate their focus to what they excel at: crafting exceptional beer. By blending creative campaign strategies with compelling content creation, we not only heightened anticipation and excitement around the holiday offering but also fostered daily interaction with our audience, significantly boosting brand loyalty and sales during the holiday season.
For SYC Brewing, my role in video content creation spanned from conceptualizing campaign videos to crafting lifestyle and user-generated style content, all tailored to authentically represent the brand's ethos. Working remotely, I adapted to the diverse needs of each project, ensuring that the video content resonated with our audience and amplified our messaging across various platforms. When necessary, I was on-site to capture the essence of SYC Brewing's most memorable events, combining strategic insight with a creative touch to produce content that was not only engaging but also aligned with the brand's objectives. This approach allowed SYC Brewing to maintain a vibrant and cohesive digital presence, reflective of their innovative spirit and community focus.
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