CATEGORY/ Cannabis

Market Positioning
Brand Development & Strategy
Visual Identity 
Product Development
Brand Asset Development

For three years, we have watched companies enter the cannabis market all circling the same thought: create high dosed products for the male legacy users in the 20-30 year old category.

But what the data told us was that there was another market –  busy, working adults who want to safely and confidently incorporate edibles into their lifestyle. Globally, there is growing shift to be dialled in, not spaced out. Being present. A need for options across all markets so they can have fun with friends and get up the next morning to play a game of tennis. Recreational, not wreck-rational.

The idea: Gummies for grown-ups. Lower dosed edibles so you can worry less and enjoy more.

The concept was inspired by Palm Springs.
• a place of adult play
• both a sophisticated and laid back vibe
• a fun destination for anyone who wants to enjoy a posh desert getaway
• Tennis and Racket Clubs—being active
• Appealing to both the ‘old young’ (responsible and driven 30s) and the ‘young old’ (active, out-going, busy 60s) alike
• Not a raging party destination but one of both relaxation and fun adventures

Visually –
As we work toward a healthier, more stable society, the design will become a source of inspiration and confidence in what’s to come. Optimistic visuals of blue skies, open landscapes and other natural elements will fill our designs with hope and opportunity. A prominent use of soft, pastel hues or bright, vivid colors will liven up the monotony of our days. Dreamy mesh gradients and playful typography will also add to the ‘recreational club life’ aesthetic.

Over the span of a year, we have worked with the company to develop a brand identity, guide product development (including flavour research), design a strong retail experience and work with sales on a go to market launch.

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