Digital Director / E-Commerce / Digital Strategy / Content Marketing / Influencer Management / Photographer / Video
At BRNT, a pioneering force in the cannabis accessories market, my role was central to steering the brand through a period of dynamic growth and digital transformation. Tasked with leading digital strategy and e-commerce operations, I played a key role in launching two sister brands, marking a significant expansion of BRNT's market presence. This initiative not only showcased my ability to navigate the complexities of brand development in the cannabis industry but also underscored my strategic vision for digital engagement and e-commerce success.
Product Photography: Took sole responsibility for all product photography, using my expertise to visually capture the essence of BRNT’s products. My work ensured that each product was presented in a way that aligned with our brand identity, effectively enhancing online consumer engagement through high-quality imagery.
E-Commerce Leadership: Managed comprehensive e-commerce operations, which entailed the strategic hiring of developers to enhance our online platforms. I also played a hands-on role in web development and page optimization, directly contributing to an improved user experience that led to increased sales and customer retention.
I was also responsible for crafting compelling product descriptions and web content, leveraging my exceptional copywriting skills to highlight product features and articulate brand messaging. My efforts in this area improved our SEO rankings, making BRNT more visible and accessible to our target audience online.
Content Creation and Marketing: I managed all aspects of product photography, video, and copywriting, ensuring that BRNT's digital content compellingly conveyed the brand's unique value proposition. My work in content creation played a crucial role in articulating BRNT's identity, marrying visual aesthetics with strategic messaging to captivate and engage our target audience. 
A key challenge at BRNT was dealing with our production facilities located outside of Canada, which tightened our shipping schedules and impacted our content production timeline. To tackle this, I coordinated directly with our overseas manufacturing team to source video content early, allowing us to craft teaser content that built anticipation for new products before they even hit our website.
This approach kept our content fresh and engaging, demonstrating our team's global collaboration and our brand's innovative spirit. These videos were integral to our digital marketing, keeping consumer interest high despite logistical hurdles.
I also played a vital role in supporting our advertising efforts by working closely with ad buyers. I provided them with all the necessary content and deliverables, ensuring our advertising was consistent, targeted, and effective. This collaboration helped drive significant traffic to our site and was a key factor in our marketing success.
Influencer Collaboration and Brand Perception: A key strategy in broadening BRNT's market appeal involved partnering with influencers who, while not primarily known as cannabis influencers, were respected artists in their own right. This approach allowed us to tap into diverse audiences, introducing BRNT's products to consumers who appreciated the intersection of art, lifestyle, and cannabis culture. By carefully selecting influencers whose aesthetic and values aligned with BRNT's, we crafted authentic narratives that resonated with a wider audience, ultimately enriching our brand community and expanding our consumer base.
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